Актуальность инфы - конец 2010 года, но сработало:
Hidden ProCurve commands
by Jeremy L. Gaddis on April 6, 2010 · 9 comments
in Networking
log in (console, telnet, SSH, etc.) to the CLI
type “edomtset” and hit enter
type “edomtset” and hit enter (yes, again)
the prompt will change from “#” to “$”
hit ? to see what you can do
type “exit” and hit enter when you’re done
Make sure you look at the last example (the 5400zl at the bottom)!
NOTE: Some of the formatting got screwed up when I copy/pasted, so I dumped the output to a text file for easier reading.
On an old ass ProCurve 2524 running F.05.72:
display Display the running/saved configuration.
logout Terminate this console/telnet session.
DEBUGIO Redirects output from all printf()'s to the screen
FORCE_REDRAW Forces the redraw of field labels in config screens
LABprototype Change LAB Prototype status
MSGPoolshow Dumps the MSG pool
PKTPoolshow Dumps the PKT pool
BUFSHOW Dumps a MSG or PKT buffer
PKTpoolStatsShow Show the PKT pool allocation statistics
MSGpoolStatsShow Show the MSG pool allocation statistics
CRASHData Show crash information
LLshow Detailed directory listing: llShow
I Task Info
CHECKSTACK checkStack()
SEMSHOW semShow(semid) - semaphore show
TASKSUSPEND taskSuspend (taskId) - suspend a task
TASKRESUME taskResume (taskId) - resume a suspended task
SVCINSTRSHOW Show the SVC Instrumentation statistics
VERsion Display firmware version stamp
ROMVERsion Display ROM Version
BOOTCOUNTER Number of times this switch has been powered up.
HReset Hard Reset of the Switch
STREBOOT Reboot to Benchmode
UPDMAC Update the MAC address (AABBCC-DDEEFF) :
UPDMACNUM Update the number of MAC addresses
Read Read memory: r [MOPT]
WR Write memory: w [MOPT]
FILL Fill memory: fill [MOPT]
UPDSN Update the Serial Number
UPDMFG Update the specified manufacturing info
CLRMFG Clear the specified manufacturing info
LED Turn all possible LEDs [on|blink|off]
SMode Set Memory Mode: sm [-l -b -h -w -a -d
NSRSHOW Shows namespace statistic
NSSHOW Shows namespace objects info
NSTASKSHOW Show namespace info about tasks
nvfserase Erase all files in filesystem
nvfsfill Fill up the filesystem
S_CFG Display Cage: s_cfg
CONFIGTest Verify CLI generation/Xlate function
X_D Xcvr Register Dump
X_TYPE Xcvr Type Identification. For transceiver ports only.
C_R Read the specifed Port Counters
MAC_SHOW Show learned MAC addresses
mac_show [port number] [-n] [-s]
IHWMACtableshow Display the Infinity MAC table refcount info
IHWPORTshow Display the Infinity port state data
IHWTRUNKshow Display the Infinity trunk state data
IHWVLANshow Display the Infinity VLAN state data
SNIFfer Set Sniffer Port: snif [sniff
ADDBRIDGE Add Bridge MAC addresses
DELETEBRIDGE Remove Bridge MAC addresses
DUMPCNTRS Dump hardware counters.
PHYSHOW Show Phy registers. Portnum.
PHYWRITE PhyWrite. Enter w/o args for help.
PHYREAD PhyWrite. Enter w/o args for help.
RSAGENSTATUS Display key generator status
RSAGENSEM Display key generator semaphore
RSATRACE Display key generator status
RSAERRPRINT Display key generator errors
SSHCounters show context collision and double-exit counters
SSHLogLevel Set log level
syslogConfigShow Display the syslog configuration
syslogStatsShow Display syslog stats
exit Return to the previous context or terminate current
console/telnet session if you are in the Operator context
show Display switch operation information.
On a newer, but still sorta old 2650, running H.10.74:
logout Terminate this console/telnet session.
DEBUGIO Redirects output from all printf()'s to the screen
FORCE_REDRAW Forces the redraw of field labels in config screens
LABprototype Change LAB Prototype status
UPTIMESHOW Shows time the switch has been up
DATAProtshow Show information on all dataProt semaphores
MSGPoolshow Dumps the MSG pool
PKTPoolshow Dumps the PKT pool
BUFSHOW Dumps a MSG or PKT buffer
PKTpoolStatsShow Show the PKT pool allocation statistics
MSGpoolStatsShow Show the MSG pool allocation statistics
PKTPoolDatashow Dumps the PKT pool data
PKTpoolcrashifless Crash if pkt pool goes below this
CRASHData Show crash information
CRASHLogfileshow Show all recorded crash records
CRASHLOGTest Crash Log Test: crashLogTest -[b][i][I][s][f][a][o][u]b = Bus/Address
Error, i = Infinite loop with tasks locked, I = HW watchdog resets =
task Infinite loop, f = FATAL, a = ASSERTo = operation fault (illegal
inst.) u = unaligned instr
CRASHLOGClear Clear Crash Log: crashLogClear
EVENTLogfileshow Show contents of the event log file
LLshow Detailed directory listing: llShow
UPDMAC Update the MAC address (AABBCC-DDEEFF) :
UPDMACNUM Update the number of MAC addresses
Read Read memory: r [MOPT]
WR Write memory: w [MOPT]
FILL Fill memory: fill [MOPT]
UPDSN Update the Serial Number
UPDMFG Update the specified manufacturing info
CLRMFG Clear the specified manufacturing info
LED Turn all possible LEDs [on|blink|off]
SMode Set Memory Mode: sm [-l -b -h -w -a -d -n -i -c
-s] Set default memory operation modes (MOPT).
dType debug type set/clear
VALIDTASK_INFO Display validation task info
PDSHOW Show various PowerDsine information
PDPOWER Set PowerDsine Power Supply Value
PDCAP Set PowerDsine Capacitor Detection
PDDISCON Set PD33000 AC/DC Detection Mode
POE_PORT Set user configurable port parameters.
POE_STATUS_PORT Display port statistics and measurements.
POE_DEBUG Change the POE Debug level.
POE_READ_EPS Read from the specified EPS register.
POE_WRITE_EPS Write to the specified EPS register.
POE_SLOT_UP Enable a slot for POE functionality.
POE_START Enable POE Mgr polling.
POE_STOP Disable POE Mgr polling.
POE_EPS_TIMEOUT Enable/Disable EPS timeout.
POE_EPS_COMM_INIT Send the reset/init sequence to the I2C micro.
POE_PD_CHECK_ALIVE Test to see if the Tweety PD is alive.
POE_PD_INIT Hard init the PD unit.
POE_PD_FACTORY Restore the PD unit to factory defaults.
POE_EPS_SIGNAL Simulate and EPS Int.
POE_EPS_DEBUG Enable/Disable EPS debug timeout.
CHASSISshow Show various chassis information
S_CFG Display Cage: s_cfg
WATCHDOG set watchdog parameters
MEMWATCH set the wp
CHIPVER Prints the Chip Versions
RPSset Set a wanted RPS state
I2CREAD Read from the specified PPC I2C device and register
I2CWRITE Write to the specified PPC I2C device and register
VALIDTASK_SLAVEINFO Display validation task slave side info
XCVRRECSHOWCMD Print out Transceiver init info.
CONFIGTest Verify CLI generation/Xlate function
P_BCNTRCLR Clear all counters for unit/port
P_BCNTRCLRALL Clear all counters in context.
DROPCOUNT Online diag to get stacklink drop counts.
BCM Broadcom Debug: bcm
UNIT_INIT Recommended Usage: [slot ] unit_init
UNIT_UPDATE Recommended Usage: [slot ] unit_update
UNIT_LINK Checks link state of slot's ports
dsnoopShow Display dsnoop configuration
DARPPShow Display darpp configuration
DARPPEnable Enable darpp global configuration
DARPPDisable Disable darpp global configuration
PORTMapshow Show the mapping between hardware/chip ports and software/logical
GAMSLAVEHWMCASTshow Display gam slave mcast tables
GAMHWPORTshow Display the gam slave port tables
GAMHWPROBEshow Display the gam slave probe tables
GAMHWTRUNKshow Display the gam slave trunk tables
GAMHWVLANshow Display the gam slave vlan tables
GAMREFCNTMCASTshow Display gam mcast reference counts
ADDRMGRHASH Generate the hash index for a mac/vid
ADDRMGRMcastinfoshow Display addrmgr info on multicast
ADDRMGRFilterinfos... Display addrmgr info on filters
ADDRMGRFEATURESinf... Display addrmgr info on features
ADDRMGRCOSinfoshow Display addrmgr info on COS
ADDRMGRPORTSECurit... Display addrmgr info on port security
ADDRMGRTrunkinfoshow Display addrmgr info on trunks
ADDRMGRMeshinfoshow Display addrmgr info on meshs
ADDRMGRVlaninfoshow Display addrmgr info on vlan
ADDRMGRPortinfoshow Display addrmgr info on port
ADDRMGRProbeinfoshow Display addrmgr info on probe port
ADDRMGRMOVEList L2 move list
DISABLE_LEARNS disable all learns on the switch
ENABLE_LEARNS enable learns again on the switch
ADDRMGRMASTERMACta... Display the master copy of MAC table
ADDRMGRSEARCHMacSu... Displays all addrs that match sub str
ADDRMGRMACTABLEInf... Displays MAC table counters
ADDRMGRHW_Learns Display distribution of learns on HW
ADDRMGRCHECKaddrta... Check the software/hardware tables
GAMMCASTshow Display the gamma mcast tables
GAMTRUNKshow Display the gamma master trunk tables
GAMHWGROUPshow Display the gamma mcast hwGroup table
SNIFfer Set Sniffer Port: snif [sniffed port]
LACPAggregatorinfo... Display LACP info on Aggregators
LACPPortinfoshow Display LACP info on Ports
LACPClearpducounters Clear Rx and Tx PDU counters
LACPResourceCleaning Remove port from trunk or remove trunk
PA PA show [port-number] [counters] set [port-number]
[disable|enable|var-name ] init [port-number] [counters]
PAS PAS show [port-number] set [port-number]
[disable|enable|var-name ] init [port-number]
PMGRTRKcfgshow Displays the Trunk Cfg Information
PMGRPPtableshow Displays the Physical Port table
PMGRPPtableshowAll Displays all the Physical Port table
PMGRLPtableshow Displays the Logical Port table
PMGRLPtableshowAll Displays all the Logical Port table
PMGRTRUnktableshow Displays the Trunk table
PMGRPOrtmapsshow Displays all global PMGR port maps
LPMGRDisablelogica... Disable logical port for specified number of seconds
PORTSECShow show port security info
ENABLEPCMDS Enable the rest of the P-command set.
statistics Shows internal statistics.
transceivers Shows transceiver properties.
SNMPCounters Shows all SNMP port counters.
DUMPCNTRS Dump hardware counters.
NEGINIT Init link logging
NEGLINK Enable disable link logging
NEGFAULTS Show neg faults
NEGLOSSLOG Show neg faults
NEGLINKLOG Show neg faults
NEGCLEARLOG Clear link and loss logs
SPORTRECSHOW Display PPMGR Slave Port Record: Sportrecshow [portNum].
BCMSCHANMEMERRCHKCMD Check the count of s-chan errs.
DEAD_PHY_CHECK_CMD Setup a dead phy situation - check FFI .
PHYSHOW Show Phy/SFP/X2 registers.
PSP Suspends physical port manager and its monitor task.
FFSHOW Show Fault Finder data structs
TRACESET Enable tracing feature
HSTEST Test ppmgr hotswap cleanup.
XCVRI2CWRITE Testing transceiver i2c write capabilities.
XCVRI2CREAD Testing transceiver i2c read capabilities.
XCVRI2CREADALL Reading ALL i2c regs and banks!
GENDRVSLVREAD Read the generic driver info for a port #.
VLANInfoshow Information about all vlans
VLSCOUNTersshow Show VLS counters
vlsClearCounters Clear / Zero VLS counters
PORTVLANinfoshow Information about vlan ports
PORTEGRESSlistshow Information on Port Egress List
VOICEVLANShow Information on voice vlan
TPVIDshow List temporary Pvid Information
VLANAttrShow List attributes for specified VLAN
IPAMTImesliceshow Show information about ipAddrmgr time slice.
IPASShowtech Show tech information for IP address manager slave
IPASRtblshow Display ipAddrMgr Slave route descr table
IPASHTblshow Display the ipv4 host table
IPASHStatsshow Display ipAddrMgr host table stats.
IPASNtblshow Display the network route table
IPSLAVEINTerfacema... Displays information about the interface manager.
IPSLAVEIPASICprofi... This command profiles the asic routines performance.
IPSLAVEASICUsageshow Shows usage information for the routing ASIC.
IPSLAVEChangeverif... Changes the verification mode of the verifyHWSWTables() function.
ffpResourceCheck Calculates the number of rules required for an L4 port range,
IPASBcml3status Shows current L3 hardware status
ACLListShow Show the ACLs that are currently configured in hw
IPAMSHowtech Show tech information for IP address manager master
IPAMExceptioncntshow Display exception counters
IPAMRAdixtreeshow Show the contents of the radix tree
IPAMRDTOtalshow Show Route table total counts
IPAMRDCountshow Route table cache entry counts for route
IPAMGENmsgstatsshow Show IP Addr Mgr general message stats
IPAMMsgstatsshow Show IP Addr Mgr message stats
IPAMSTATShow Show IP Addr Mgr message stats
IPAMSTATReset Reset IP Addr Mgr message stats
ARPshow Display arp cache
arpFlush Clear the arp cache
IPshow Display switch ip tables
IPRATElimitshow Display rate limiting statistics for ICMP and broadcast forwarding
IPROUTELEAKshow Display route redistribution config info
ipStaticOffListShow Disply contents of static off list.
IFshow Display the attached IP network interfaces
ICMPSTATshow Display statistics for ICMP
INETSTATshow Display active connections for IP sockets
IPSTATshow Display IP BSD statistics
IPHPStatshow Show more ip routing stats.
MBUFshow Display mbuf statistics
NETDPOOLshow Display data sys pool status
NETSYSPOOLshow Display net sys pool status
TCPSTATshow Display all statistics for the TCP protocol
UDPSTATshow Display statistics for the UDP protocol
ROUTEshow Display host and network routing tables
ROUTEWALKshow Display active IP routing table
routeWalkStatsShow Display statistics about routes in the Patricia tree.
ROUTEWALKshowwithARP Disply active IP routing table including ARP entries.
ROUTEWALKALLshow Display full IP routing table
routeWalkFilterShow Display all routes in table that match specified mask & key.
ROUTEMEMshow Display routing table memory statistics
ARPTABshow ARP Tab show
RAWPCBshow RAW pcb show
MULTIADD Add multinet addr:
MULTIDEL Delete multinet addr:
MULTIShow Show multinet addr(s): []
ACLAddDipld configure a DIPLD ACL in hw
ACLRemoveDipld remove a DIPLD ACL from hw
ACLTimerSet set the acl logging timer (mSec)
IGMPTimershow Information about all IP multicast group timers
IGMPVlanshow Information about IGMP VLAN information
IGMPCountershow Information about IGMP counters
DHCPCOUNTERSshow Display dhcp counters
UDPFSTATINFO Display the Counters for UDP Forwarding and DHCP Relay Agent.
RSAGENSTATUS Display key generator status
RSAGENSEM Display key generator semaphore
RSATRACE Display key generator status
RSAERRPRINT Display key generator errors
SSHCtxtlist Display complete context list
SSHFdsetShow Display ssh fd_set queues
SSHLogLevel Set log level
SSHSessionDump Display session data
SSHVersionString Set version string
httpShowSocketPool Display HTTP socket pool
httpdatatest Uncompress HTML data and show
httpauthtest Send fake auth done message
SSLDEFAULT set SSL to out-of-box defaults
SSLSHOW Show SSL mib object values
SSLDATA Show SSL PCB data structure
SSLCERT Show SSL certificate
CERTCREATE Create new certificate with dummy fields
CERTSHOW Show current certificate in memory
CERTFLASHSHOW Show saved certificate in flash (PEM bytes)
CERTKEYCREATE Create certificate key and save to flash
CERTKEYFLASHSHOW Show saved certificate private key in flash
CERTNEWCERTMIBSHOW Show contents of new cert mib object
GStateDisplay Displays the garp state of the port
GVRPPConfig GVRP Port Configuration (Learn/Block/Disable)
GVRPPState GVRP Port State (RegState - Fixed/No/Normal)
GVRPSTat GVRP Statistics
RSTPPortinfoshow Display Rapid STP info on Ports
RSTPBridgeinfoshow Display Rapid STP info on Bridge
RSTPRootHistoryShow Display Root Change history known on the Bridge
RSTPDetBridgeShow Display detailed statistics info for the Bridge
RSTPDetPortShow Display detailed statistics info for the port
RSTPClrDetBridgeShow Clear Bridge's detailed statistics counters
RSTPClrDetPortShow Clear Port's detailed statistics counters
RSTPFlushholdshow Display flush hold timer info
RSTPFlushholdset Set l2 and l3 flush hold timer
LOOPPROTECTshow show internal loop protect information
RDISCshow Display router discovery status
RDISCsendbcastsoli... Send a broadcast router solicit
RDISCsendmcastsoli... Send a multicast router solicit
rdiscTxTraceEnable Enable display of pkts Tx by RDISC
rdiscTxTraceDisable Disable display of pkts Tx by RDISC
rdiscRxTraceEnable Enable display of pkts Rx by RDISC
rdiscRxTraceDisable Disable display of pkts Rx by RDISC
idmAclShow Show IDM ACLs.
wmatraceenable Enable debug tracing options
wmatracedisable Enable debug tracing options
webmacauthdefault Clear web and MAC auth config records (all ports)
macauthstart Start MAC Auth
macauthConfigshow Show MAC auth config
macauthstatusshow Show MAC Auth status
wmaDhcpShow Show DHCP server status
autzShow Display Authorization info (use "help" to see all cmds)
syslogConfigShow Display the syslog configuration
syslogStatsShow Display syslog stats
mlshow Display mac lockdown and lockout info
cdp_show Show cdp packet information
lldpShow Show lldp information
lldpRecordsClear clear lldp neighbor information
lldpClearCounters clear lldp rx and tx counters
sntp_show Show recent sntp status
boot Reboot the device.
clear Clear table/statistics or authorized client public keys.
configure Enter the Configuration context.
copy Copy datafiles to/from the switch.
debug Enable/disable debug logging.
end Return to the Manager Exec context.
erase Erase the configuration file stored in flash or the primary/secondary
flash image.
getMIB Retrieve and display the value of the MIB objects specified.
kill Kill other active console, telnet, or ssh sessions.
log Display log events.
page Toggle paging mode.
print Execute a command and redirect its output to the device channel for
current session.
redo Re-execute a command from history.
reload Warm reboot of the switch.
repeat Repeat execution of a previous command.
setMIB Set the value of a MIB object.
setup Enter the 'Switch Setup' screen for basic switch configuration.
telnet Initiate an outbound telnet session to another network device.
terminal Set the dimensions of the terminal window.
update Enter Monitor ROM Console.
walkMIB Walk through all instances of the object specified displaying the MIB
object names, instances and values.
write View or save the running configuration of the switch.
enable Enter the Manager Exec context.
exit Return to the previous context or terminate current console/telnet
session if you are in the Operator context level.
link-test Test the connection to a MAC address on the LAN.
logout Terminate this console/telnet session.
menu Change console user interface to menu system.
ping Send IP Ping requests to a device on the network.
show Display switch operation information.
traceroute Send traceroute to a device on the network.
And now, on the 5400zl running K.13.71:
HOSTNAME# edomtset
HOSTNAME# edomtset
ATTENTION: You are entering a diagnostic mode on this product that is HP
Confidential and Proprietary. This mode, the commands and functionality
specific to this mode, and all output from this mode are HP Confidential
and Proprietary. You may use this mode only by specific permission of, and
under the direction of, an HP support engineer or HP technical engineer.
Unauthorized or improper use of this mode will be considered by HP to be
unauthorized modification of the product, and any resulting defects or
issues are not eligible for coverage und er the HP product warranty or any
Hidden ProCurve commands
by Jeremy L. Gaddis on April 6, 2010 · 9 comments
in Networking
log in (console, telnet, SSH, etc.) to the CLI
type “edomtset” and hit enter
type “edomtset” and hit enter (yes, again)
the prompt will change from “#” to “$”
hit ? to see what you can do
type “exit” and hit enter when you’re done
Make sure you look at the last example (the 5400zl at the bottom)!
NOTE: Some of the formatting got screwed up when I copy/pasted, so I dumped the output to a text file for easier reading.
On an old ass ProCurve 2524 running F.05.72:
display Display the running/saved configuration.
logout Terminate this console/telnet session.
DEBUGIO Redirects output from all printf()'s to the screen
FORCE_REDRAW Forces the redraw of field labels in config screens
LABprototype Change LAB Prototype status
MSGPoolshow Dumps the MSG pool
PKTPoolshow Dumps the PKT pool
BUFSHOW Dumps a MSG or PKT buffer
PKTpoolStatsShow Show the PKT pool allocation statistics
MSGpoolStatsShow Show the MSG pool allocation statistics
CRASHData Show crash information
LLshow Detailed directory listing: llShow
I Task Info
CHECKSTACK checkStack()
SEMSHOW semShow(semid) - semaphore show
TASKSUSPEND taskSuspend (taskId) - suspend a task
TASKRESUME taskResume (taskId) - resume a suspended task
SVCINSTRSHOW Show the SVC Instrumentation statistics
VERsion Display firmware version stamp
ROMVERsion Display ROM Version
BOOTCOUNTER Number of times this switch has been powered up.
HReset Hard Reset of the Switch
STREBOOT Reboot to Benchmode
UPDMAC Update the MAC address (AABBCC-DDEEFF) :
UPDMACNUM Update the number of MAC addresses
Read Read memory: r [MOPT]
WR Write memory: w [MOPT]
FILL Fill memory: fill [MOPT]
UPDSN Update the Serial Number
UPDMFG Update the specified manufacturing info
CLRMFG Clear the specified manufacturing info
LED Turn all possible LEDs [on|blink|off]
SMode Set Memory Mode: sm [-l -b -h -w -a -d
NSRSHOW Shows namespace statistic
NSSHOW Shows namespace objects info
NSTASKSHOW Show namespace info about tasks
nvfserase Erase all files in filesystem
nvfsfill Fill up the filesystem
S_CFG Display Cage: s_cfg
CONFIGTest Verify CLI generation/Xlate function
X_D Xcvr Register Dump
X_TYPE Xcvr Type Identification. For transceiver ports only.
C_R Read the specifed Port Counters
MAC_SHOW Show learned MAC addresses
mac_show [port number] [-n] [-s]
IHWMACtableshow Display the Infinity MAC table refcount info
IHWPORTshow Display the Infinity port state data
IHWTRUNKshow Display the Infinity trunk state data
IHWVLANshow Display the Infinity VLAN state data
SNIFfer Set Sniffer Port: snif [sniff
ADDBRIDGE Add Bridge MAC addresses
DELETEBRIDGE Remove Bridge MAC addresses
DUMPCNTRS Dump hardware counters.
PHYSHOW Show Phy registers. Portnum.
PHYWRITE PhyWrite. Enter w/o args for help.
PHYREAD PhyWrite. Enter w/o args for help.
RSAGENSTATUS Display key generator status
RSAGENSEM Display key generator semaphore
RSATRACE Display key generator status
RSAERRPRINT Display key generator errors
SSHCounters show context collision and double-exit counters
SSHLogLevel Set log level
syslogConfigShow Display the syslog configuration
syslogStatsShow Display syslog stats
exit Return to the previous context or terminate current
console/telnet session if you are in the Operator context
show Display switch operation information.
On a newer, but still sorta old 2650, running H.10.74:
logout Terminate this console/telnet session.
DEBUGIO Redirects output from all printf()'s to the screen
FORCE_REDRAW Forces the redraw of field labels in config screens
LABprototype Change LAB Prototype status
UPTIMESHOW Shows time the switch has been up
DATAProtshow Show information on all dataProt semaphores
MSGPoolshow Dumps the MSG pool
PKTPoolshow Dumps the PKT pool
BUFSHOW Dumps a MSG or PKT buffer
PKTpoolStatsShow Show the PKT pool allocation statistics
MSGpoolStatsShow Show the MSG pool allocation statistics
PKTPoolDatashow Dumps the PKT pool data
PKTpoolcrashifless Crash if pkt pool goes below this
CRASHData Show crash information
CRASHLogfileshow Show all recorded crash records
CRASHLOGTest Crash Log Test: crashLogTest -[b][i][I][s][f][a][o][u]b = Bus/Address
Error, i = Infinite loop with tasks locked, I = HW watchdog resets =
task Infinite loop, f = FATAL, a = ASSERTo = operation fault (illegal
inst.) u = unaligned instr
CRASHLOGClear Clear Crash Log: crashLogClear
EVENTLogfileshow Show contents of the event log file
LLshow Detailed directory listing: llShow
UPDMAC Update the MAC address (AABBCC-DDEEFF) :
UPDMACNUM Update the number of MAC addresses
Read Read memory: r [MOPT]
WR Write memory: w [MOPT]
FILL Fill memory: fill [MOPT]
UPDSN Update the Serial Number
UPDMFG Update the specified manufacturing info
CLRMFG Clear the specified manufacturing info
LED Turn all possible LEDs [on|blink|off]
SMode Set Memory Mode: sm [-l -b -h -w -a -d -n -i -c
-s] Set default memory operation modes (MOPT).
dType debug type set/clear
VALIDTASK_INFO Display validation task info
PDSHOW Show various PowerDsine information
PDPOWER Set PowerDsine Power Supply Value
PDCAP Set PowerDsine Capacitor Detection
PDDISCON Set PD33000 AC/DC Detection Mode
POE_PORT Set user configurable port parameters.
POE_STATUS_PORT Display port statistics and measurements.
POE_DEBUG Change the POE Debug level.
POE_READ_EPS Read from the specified EPS register.
POE_WRITE_EPS Write to the specified EPS register.
POE_SLOT_UP Enable a slot for POE functionality.
POE_START Enable POE Mgr polling.
POE_STOP Disable POE Mgr polling.
POE_EPS_TIMEOUT Enable/Disable EPS timeout.
POE_EPS_COMM_INIT Send the reset/init sequence to the I2C micro.
POE_PD_CHECK_ALIVE Test to see if the Tweety PD is alive.
POE_PD_INIT Hard init the PD unit.
POE_PD_FACTORY Restore the PD unit to factory defaults.
POE_EPS_SIGNAL Simulate and EPS Int.
POE_EPS_DEBUG Enable/Disable EPS debug timeout.
CHASSISshow Show various chassis information
S_CFG Display Cage: s_cfg
WATCHDOG set watchdog parameters
MEMWATCH set the wp
CHIPVER Prints the Chip Versions
RPSset Set a wanted RPS state
I2CREAD Read from the specified PPC I2C device and register
I2CWRITE Write to the specified PPC I2C device and register
VALIDTASK_SLAVEINFO Display validation task slave side info
XCVRRECSHOWCMD Print out Transceiver init info.
CONFIGTest Verify CLI generation/Xlate function
P_BCNTRCLR Clear all counters for unit/port
P_BCNTRCLRALL Clear all counters in context.
DROPCOUNT Online diag to get stacklink drop counts.
BCM Broadcom Debug: bcm
UNIT_INIT Recommended Usage: [slot ] unit_init
UNIT_UPDATE Recommended Usage: [slot ] unit_update
UNIT_LINK Checks link state of slot's ports
dsnoopShow Display dsnoop configuration
DARPPShow Display darpp configuration
DARPPEnable Enable darpp global configuration
DARPPDisable Disable darpp global configuration
PORTMapshow Show the mapping between hardware/chip ports and software/logical
GAMSLAVEHWMCASTshow Display gam slave mcast tables
GAMHWPORTshow Display the gam slave port tables
GAMHWPROBEshow Display the gam slave probe tables
GAMHWTRUNKshow Display the gam slave trunk tables
GAMHWVLANshow Display the gam slave vlan tables
GAMREFCNTMCASTshow Display gam mcast reference counts
ADDRMGRHASH Generate the hash index for a mac/vid
ADDRMGRMcastinfoshow Display addrmgr info on multicast
ADDRMGRFilterinfos... Display addrmgr info on filters
ADDRMGRFEATURESinf... Display addrmgr info on features
ADDRMGRCOSinfoshow Display addrmgr info on COS
ADDRMGRPORTSECurit... Display addrmgr info on port security
ADDRMGRTrunkinfoshow Display addrmgr info on trunks
ADDRMGRMeshinfoshow Display addrmgr info on meshs
ADDRMGRVlaninfoshow Display addrmgr info on vlan
ADDRMGRPortinfoshow Display addrmgr info on port
ADDRMGRProbeinfoshow Display addrmgr info on probe port
ADDRMGRMOVEList L2 move list
DISABLE_LEARNS disable all learns on the switch
ENABLE_LEARNS enable learns again on the switch
ADDRMGRMASTERMACta... Display the master copy of MAC table
ADDRMGRSEARCHMacSu... Displays all addrs that match sub str
ADDRMGRMACTABLEInf... Displays MAC table counters
ADDRMGRHW_Learns Display distribution of learns on HW
ADDRMGRCHECKaddrta... Check the software/hardware tables
GAMMCASTshow Display the gamma mcast tables
GAMTRUNKshow Display the gamma master trunk tables
GAMHWGROUPshow Display the gamma mcast hwGroup table
SNIFfer Set Sniffer Port: snif [sniffed port]
LACPAggregatorinfo... Display LACP info on Aggregators
LACPPortinfoshow Display LACP info on Ports
LACPClearpducounters Clear Rx and Tx PDU counters
LACPResourceCleaning Remove port from trunk or remove trunk
PA PA show [port-number] [counters] set [port-number]
[disable|enable|var-name ] init [port-number] [counters]
PAS PAS show [port-number] set [port-number]
[disable|enable|var-name ] init [port-number]
PMGRTRKcfgshow Displays the Trunk Cfg Information
PMGRPPtableshow Displays the Physical Port table
PMGRPPtableshowAll Displays all the Physical Port table
PMGRLPtableshow Displays the Logical Port table
PMGRLPtableshowAll Displays all the Logical Port table
PMGRTRUnktableshow Displays the Trunk table
PMGRPOrtmapsshow Displays all global PMGR port maps
LPMGRDisablelogica... Disable logical port for specified number of seconds
PORTSECShow show port security info
ENABLEPCMDS Enable the rest of the P-command set.
statistics Shows internal statistics.
transceivers Shows transceiver properties.
SNMPCounters Shows all SNMP port counters.
DUMPCNTRS Dump hardware counters.
NEGINIT Init link logging
NEGLINK Enable disable link logging
NEGFAULTS Show neg faults
NEGLOSSLOG Show neg faults
NEGLINKLOG Show neg faults
NEGCLEARLOG Clear link and loss logs
SPORTRECSHOW Display PPMGR Slave Port Record: Sportrecshow [portNum].
BCMSCHANMEMERRCHKCMD Check the count of s-chan errs.
DEAD_PHY_CHECK_CMD Setup a dead phy situation - check FFI .
PHYSHOW Show Phy/SFP/X2 registers.
PSP Suspends physical port manager and its monitor task.
FFSHOW Show Fault Finder data structs
TRACESET Enable tracing feature
HSTEST Test ppmgr hotswap cleanup.
XCVRI2CWRITE Testing transceiver i2c write capabilities.
XCVRI2CREAD Testing transceiver i2c read capabilities.
XCVRI2CREADALL Reading ALL i2c regs and banks!
GENDRVSLVREAD Read the generic driver info for a port #.
VLANInfoshow Information about all vlans
VLSCOUNTersshow Show VLS counters
vlsClearCounters Clear / Zero VLS counters
PORTVLANinfoshow Information about vlan ports
PORTEGRESSlistshow Information on Port Egress List
VOICEVLANShow Information on voice vlan
TPVIDshow List temporary Pvid Information
VLANAttrShow List attributes for specified VLAN
IPAMTImesliceshow Show information about ipAddrmgr time slice.
IPASShowtech Show tech information for IP address manager slave
IPASRtblshow Display ipAddrMgr Slave route descr table
IPASHTblshow Display the ipv4 host table
IPASHStatsshow Display ipAddrMgr host table stats.
IPASNtblshow Display the network route table
IPSLAVEINTerfacema... Displays information about the interface manager.
IPSLAVEIPASICprofi... This command profiles the asic routines performance.
IPSLAVEASICUsageshow Shows usage information for the routing ASIC.
IPSLAVEChangeverif... Changes the verification mode of the verifyHWSWTables() function.
ffpResourceCheck Calculates the number of rules required for an L4 port range,
IPASBcml3status Shows current L3 hardware status
ACLListShow Show the ACLs that are currently configured in hw
IPAMSHowtech Show tech information for IP address manager master
IPAMExceptioncntshow Display exception counters
IPAMRAdixtreeshow Show the contents of the radix tree
IPAMRDTOtalshow Show Route table total counts
IPAMRDCountshow Route table cache entry counts for route
IPAMGENmsgstatsshow Show IP Addr Mgr general message stats
IPAMMsgstatsshow Show IP Addr Mgr message stats
IPAMSTATShow Show IP Addr Mgr message stats
IPAMSTATReset Reset IP Addr Mgr message stats
ARPshow Display arp cache
arpFlush Clear the arp cache
IPshow Display switch ip tables
IPRATElimitshow Display rate limiting statistics for ICMP and broadcast forwarding
IPROUTELEAKshow Display route redistribution config info
ipStaticOffListShow Disply contents of static off list.
IFshow Display the attached IP network interfaces
ICMPSTATshow Display statistics for ICMP
INETSTATshow Display active connections for IP sockets
IPSTATshow Display IP BSD statistics
IPHPStatshow Show more ip routing stats.
MBUFshow Display mbuf statistics
NETDPOOLshow Display data sys pool status
NETSYSPOOLshow Display net sys pool status
TCPSTATshow Display all statistics for the TCP protocol
UDPSTATshow Display statistics for the UDP protocol
ROUTEshow Display host and network routing tables
ROUTEWALKshow Display active IP routing table
routeWalkStatsShow Display statistics about routes in the Patricia tree.
ROUTEWALKshowwithARP Disply active IP routing table including ARP entries.
ROUTEWALKALLshow Display full IP routing table
routeWalkFilterShow Display all routes in table that match specified mask & key.
ROUTEMEMshow Display routing table memory statistics
ARPTABshow ARP Tab show
RAWPCBshow RAW pcb show
MULTIADD Add multinet addr:
MULTIDEL Delete multinet addr:
MULTIShow Show multinet addr(s): []
ACLAddDipld configure a DIPLD ACL in hw
ACLRemoveDipld remove a DIPLD ACL from hw
ACLTimerSet set the acl logging timer (mSec)
IGMPTimershow Information about all IP multicast group timers
IGMPVlanshow Information about IGMP VLAN information
IGMPCountershow Information about IGMP counters
DHCPCOUNTERSshow Display dhcp counters
UDPFSTATINFO Display the Counters for UDP Forwarding and DHCP Relay Agent.
RSAGENSTATUS Display key generator status
RSAGENSEM Display key generator semaphore
RSATRACE Display key generator status
RSAERRPRINT Display key generator errors
SSHCtxtlist Display complete context list
SSHFdsetShow Display ssh fd_set queues
SSHLogLevel Set log level
SSHSessionDump Display session data
SSHVersionString Set version string
httpShowSocketPool Display HTTP socket pool
httpdatatest Uncompress HTML data and show
httpauthtest Send fake auth done message
SSLDEFAULT set SSL to out-of-box defaults
SSLSHOW Show SSL mib object values
SSLDATA Show SSL PCB data structure
SSLCERT Show SSL certificate
CERTCREATE Create new certificate with dummy fields
CERTSHOW Show current certificate in memory
CERTFLASHSHOW Show saved certificate in flash (PEM bytes)
CERTKEYCREATE Create certificate key and save to flash
CERTKEYFLASHSHOW Show saved certificate private key in flash
CERTNEWCERTMIBSHOW Show contents of new cert mib object
GStateDisplay Displays the garp state of the port
GVRPPConfig GVRP Port Configuration (Learn/Block/Disable)
GVRPPState GVRP Port State (RegState - Fixed/No/Normal)
GVRPSTat GVRP Statistics
RSTPPortinfoshow Display Rapid STP info on Ports
RSTPBridgeinfoshow Display Rapid STP info on Bridge
RSTPRootHistoryShow Display Root Change history known on the Bridge
RSTPDetBridgeShow Display detailed statistics info for the Bridge
RSTPDetPortShow Display detailed statistics info for the port
RSTPClrDetBridgeShow Clear Bridge's detailed statistics counters
RSTPClrDetPortShow Clear Port's detailed statistics counters
RSTPFlushholdshow Display flush hold timer info
RSTPFlushholdset Set l2 and l3 flush hold timer
LOOPPROTECTshow show internal loop protect information
RDISCshow Display router discovery status
RDISCsendbcastsoli... Send a broadcast router solicit
RDISCsendmcastsoli... Send a multicast router solicit
rdiscTxTraceEnable Enable display of pkts Tx by RDISC
rdiscTxTraceDisable Disable display of pkts Tx by RDISC
rdiscRxTraceEnable Enable display of pkts Rx by RDISC
rdiscRxTraceDisable Disable display of pkts Rx by RDISC
idmAclShow Show IDM ACLs.
wmatraceenable Enable debug tracing options
wmatracedisable Enable debug tracing options
webmacauthdefault Clear web and MAC auth config records (all ports)
macauthstart Start MAC Auth
macauthConfigshow Show MAC auth config
macauthstatusshow Show MAC Auth status
wmaDhcpShow Show DHCP server status
autzShow Display Authorization info (use "help" to see all cmds)
syslogConfigShow Display the syslog configuration
syslogStatsShow Display syslog stats
mlshow Display mac lockdown and lockout info
cdp_show Show cdp packet information
lldpShow Show lldp information
lldpRecordsClear clear lldp neighbor information
lldpClearCounters clear lldp rx and tx counters
sntp_show Show recent sntp status
boot Reboot the device.
clear Clear table/statistics or authorized client public keys.
configure Enter the Configuration context.
copy Copy datafiles to/from the switch.
debug Enable/disable debug logging.
end Return to the Manager Exec context.
erase Erase the configuration file stored in flash or the primary/secondary
flash image.
getMIB Retrieve and display the value of the MIB objects specified.
kill Kill other active console, telnet, or ssh sessions.
log Display log events.
page Toggle paging mode.
print Execute a command and redirect its output to the device channel for
current session.
redo Re-execute a command from history.
reload Warm reboot of the switch.
repeat Repeat execution of a previous command.
setMIB Set the value of a MIB object.
setup Enter the 'Switch Setup' screen for basic switch configuration.
telnet Initiate an outbound telnet session to another network device.
terminal Set the dimensions of the terminal window.
update Enter Monitor ROM Console.
walkMIB Walk through all instances of the object specified displaying the MIB
object names, instances and values.
write View or save the running configuration of the switch.
enable Enter the Manager Exec context.
exit Return to the previous context or terminate current console/telnet
session if you are in the Operator context level.
link-test Test the connection to a MAC address on the LAN.
logout Terminate this console/telnet session.
menu Change console user interface to menu system.
ping Send IP Ping requests to a device on the network.
show Display switch operation information.
traceroute Send traceroute to a device on the network.
And now, on the 5400zl running K.13.71:
HOSTNAME# edomtset
HOSTNAME# edomtset
ATTENTION: You are entering a diagnostic mode on this product that is HP
Confidential and Proprietary. This mode, the commands and functionality
specific to this mode, and all output from this mode are HP Confidential
and Proprietary. You may use this mode only by specific permission of, and
under the direction of, an HP support engineer or HP technical engineer.
Unauthorized or improper use of this mode will be considered by HP to be
unauthorized modification of the product, and any resulting defects or
issues are not eligible for coverage und er the HP product warranty or any
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