четверг, 5 сентября 2013 г.

Статические маршруты не на всех Cisco Catalyst 2960S

Для моделей с LAN Base IOS'ом, это:

 есть возможность изменения default шаблона sdm на lanbase-routing, что дает возможность включить на L2 свиче ip routing и даже создавать статические маршруты:
(config)# sdm prefer lanbase-routing
# wr

Однако данная фича не поддерживается на LAN Lite железках:

 на них жестоко зашит только default sdm template:
#show inventory
NAME: "1", DESCR: "WS-C2960S-24TS-S"
PID: WS-C2960S-24TS-S  , VID: V02  , SN: ***

Cisco IOS Software, C2960S Software (C2960S-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.2(1)E, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)

#show sdm prefer
 The current template is "default" template.
 The selected template optimizes the resources in
 the switch to support this level of features for
 0 routed interfaces and 255 VLANs.

  number of unicast mac addresses:                  8K
  number of IPv4 IGMP groups + multicast routes:    0.25K
  number of IPv4 unicast routes:                    8.375k
    number of directly-connected IPv4 hosts:        8K
    number of indirect IPv4 routes:                 0.375k
  number of IPv6 multicast groups:                  0.25K
  number of directly-connected IPv6 addresses:      0.25K
  number of indirect IPv6 unicast routes:           0
  number of IPv4 policy based routing aces:         0
  number of IPv4/MAC qos aces:                      0.375k
  number of IPv4/MAC security aces:                 0.375k
  number of IPv6 policy based routing aces:         0
  number of IPv6 qos aces:                          60
  number of IPv6 security aces:                     0.125k

И официально заявлено:
Q. Can a Cisco Catalyst 2960-S Series LAN Lite switch be upgraded to LAN Base?
A. No. The feature set is bound to the hardware model. To get the features and capabilities of LAN Base, you must purchase a LAN Base switch.

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