четверг, 20 декабря 2012 г.

IBM IMM памятка по доступу

В мемориззз...
на примере сервера x3650M4 - интерфейсы IMM - на первом гигабитном и выделенный отдельный интерфейс (GE1 - IMM1 + IMM2).
Для доступа в BIOS - F1 при старте системы (там в настройках IMM можно посмотреть выданный по DHCP адрес).
Из описалова:
Open a web browser and in the Address or URL field, type the IP address or host name of the IMM to which you want to connect.
Note: If you are logging on to the IMM for the first time after installation, the IMM defaults to DHCP. If a DHCP host is not available, the IMM assigns a static IP address of
On the Login page, type the user name and password. If you are using the IMM for the first time, obtain the user name and password from your system administrator. All login attempts are documented in the event log.
Note: The IMM is set initially with a user name of USERID and password of PASSW0RD (with a zero, not the letter O). You have read/write access. You must change this default password the first time you log on.
On the Welcome page, type a timeout value (in minutes) in the field that is provided. You are logged off the web interface if your browser is inactive for the number of minutes that you entered for the timeout value.
Click Continue to start the session. The System Status page provides a quick view of the server status.
логин по умолчанию - USERID
пароль по умолчанию - PASSW0RD
(в пароле вместо буквы "О" - цифра "0" - ноль).
Также есть доступ по SSH:
login as: USERID
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

               ?  --  Display command list
       accseccfg  --  Account security configuration
        alertcfg  --  Display or change the IMM global remote alert parameters.
    alertentries  --  This command manages the recipients of alerts.
          backup  --  Creates a backup file containing the current system settings.
           batch  --  Executes CLI commands in a file.
        clearcfg  --  Resets the IMM to its default settings
        clearlog  --  Clear IMM event log
           clock  --  Display/set date, time, GMT offset, and dst setting
         console  --  Exit CLI, attach to serial console
        dhcpinfo  --  View DHCP server assigned settings
             dns  --  Displays the current DNS configuration of the IMM.
        ethtousb  --  Display and configure ethernet to ethernet over usb port mapping
            exit  --  Exit CLI (log off)
            fans  --  Displays the fan speed for all system fans
            ffdc  --  First Failure Data Capture (service data)
            help  --  Display command list
         history  --  Display history of last 8 commands
        identify  --  Control system locator LED
        ifconfig  --  Ethernet and PPP configuration
            info  --  Display and configure the information associated with the IMM
          keycfg  --  Display, add or delete activation keys
            ldap  --  LDAP configuration
             led  --  Display LED states.
             ntp  --  Displays and configures the Network Time Protocol
     passwordcfg  --  Password configuration
         portcfg  --  Serial port configuration.
           ports  --  Display and configure port numbers
           power  --  Control server power
         pxeboot  --  Enable or disable pxe next boot status
         readlog  --  Displays the IMM event log, five entries at a time
           reset  --  Reset server
         resetsp  --  Reset IMM
         restore  --  Restores the system settings using the input backup file.
 restoredefaults  --  Reset all IMM settings to factory defaults
             set  --  Set CLI environment variables and UEFI settings
            show  --  Display CLI environment variables and UEFI settings
            smtp  --  Display or set smtp server
            snmp  --  Enable or disable the SNMP agent
      snmpalerts  --  This command manages the recipients of snmp alerts
           srcfg  --  Serial redirection configuration
          sshcfg  --  Display and configures SSH parameters
             ssl  --  SSL configuration
          sslcfg  --  Displays and configures the status of the SSL Server and SSL Client
       syshealth  --  System Health
       telnetcfg  --  Display and configures Telnet parameters
           temps  --  Display system temperatures
         thermal  --  Display and configures the thermal mode policy of the host system.
        timeouts  --  Server timeouts configuration
          usbeth  --  Enable or disable the inband (Ethernet over USB) interface
           users  --  User profile configuration
           volts  --  Displays all the voltages and voltage thresholds
             vpd  --  Display VPD
Без дополнительной лицензии нет доступа к графической KVM консоли (+ аппаратный ключ).

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