четверг, 7 марта 2013 г.

Типы портов FC

Взято отсюда: http://searchvirtualstorage.techtarget.com/definition/Fibre-Channel-port-names

A Fibre Channel (FC) port is a hardware pathway into and out of a node that performs data communications over an FC link. (An FC link is sometimes called an FC channel.)
Full Name Port Function
N-port network port or node port Node port used to connect a node to a Fibre Channel switch
F-port fabric port Switch port used to connect the Fibre Channel fabric to a node
L-port loop port Node port used to connect a node to a Fibre Channel loop
NL-port network + loop port Node port which connects to both loops and switches
FL-port fabric + loop port Switch port which connects to both loops and switches
E-port extender port Used to cascade Fibre Channel switches together
G-port general port General purpose port which can be configured to emulate other port types
EX_port external port Connection between a fibre channel router and a fibre channel switch; on the switch side, it looks like a normal E_port -- but on the router side, it is a EX_port
TE_port trunking E-port Povides standard E_port functions and allows for routing of multiple virtual SANs by modifying the standard Fibre Channel frame upon ingress/egress of the VSAN environment

"Очистка" FC коммутаторов Brocade

В мемориззз, чтобы подключенный свичик не накидал в фабрику левых зон и алиасов, выполняем (на новых свичах тоже!!!):
Заходим под root'ом,
# switchdisable
# cfgdisable
# cfgclear
проверяем, что все удалено и! сохраняем конфиг:
# passwddefault
# portstatsclear
# portlogclear
# reboot
# configure (с настройкой фабрики! Заранее определяем свободный domain ID в фабрике)

вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Наименования и продакт-коды Hitachi mid-range СХД

В меморизз, как соответствуют железяки, наименования и коды:
Hitachi mid-range array model numbers:
  • DF700s – WMS100/AMS200/AMS500/AMS1000
  • DF800 – AMS2100/AMS2300/AMS2500
  • DF850 – HUS110/HUS130/HUS150